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creative health in bishop auckland

Our creative health activity continues in Bishop Auckland, thanks to funding from Believe Housing Association, Bishop Auckland & Shildon Area Action Partnership and Durham County Council.


We’re currently running weekly sessions at Bishop Auckland Town Hall, every Thursday from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm.


Each session involves creative activity led by a professional artist or an individual's own crafts and offers stability and a safe environment for the participants to relax, be creative and enjoy some social time with each other. 

As part of our weekly social prescribing programme at Four Clocks Centre, Professional animator, Sheryl Jenkins, worked with the group on producing a short animated film using characters and drawings created by them which articulate what these weekly creative sessions have come to mean to them.

Project Gallery

Thank you to our generous Funders:

We Need Your Support Today!

Northern Heartlands

An independent Charitable Incorporated Organisation supporting communities and organisations across County Durham and the North East. Our work is built on trust and our belief that communities working with creative practitioners can find their own answers to the issues we all face.


Phone: 01833 200220

Address: 3 Witham Studios, Hall Street, Barnard Castle, DL12 8 JB

Registered Charity: 1186306

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